Our Products
The RaPID platform uses proprietary modules integrated with providers’ existing technologies including PACS, EMR, and Pyxis™ platforms to monitor and analyze clinical data flow in real time.
PACS integrated computer-assisted detection and identification tools
Retained Surgical Items (RSIs)
Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs)
Cardiac Implantable Devices
Orthopedic hardware
CVL = Central Venous Line
ETT = Endotracheal Tube
PACS integrated real-time clinical alerts
Incorrect endotracheal tube position
Incorrect central venous line position
Medical image acquisition error
Structural anomaly of IMD
Recalled IMD
RaPID’s dashboard of integrated analytics with real-time alerts
Potential opioid diversion
Failure to meet clinical quality measures
Facility utilization (OR and radiology suites)
Physician productivity
RaPID’s booth at RSNA 2014
Online Patient Safety Learning Modules
Improving accuracy of RSI detection in radiological images