Our company

Built by providers for providers, backed by the leading hospital system, RaPID transforms how digital medical information drives patient safety and quality of care.



Vicko Gluncic, MD, PhD | Chief Medical Officer

Vicko is an inventor, entrepreneur, and practicing anesthesiologist. He has special interests in information technologies and patient safety. Dr. Gluncic is the author of more than thirty peer-reviewed scientific articles.


Gady Agam, PhD | Chief Technology Officer

Gady has over twenty years of experience in imaging research, including medical imaging. He is an expert in various areas of medical imaging including enhancement, detection, segmentation, and registration. He has authored more than one-hundred peer-reviewed scientific articles.


Mario Moric | Chief Information Officer

Mario is a statistician with ten years of experience in implementing and overseeing complex clinical trials with particular interests in information technologies and patient safety. He has authored more than one hundred peer-reviewed scientific articles.


Shirley Richard | Clinical Advisor

Shirley is a Certified Surgical Technologist with a B.S. in Health Care Administration. Shirley trains nurses and other clinical staff on surgical principles and techniques.


Kevin Erdman, JD | Legal Advisor

Kevin specializes in advising software and internet centric businesses about the legal landscape and issues related to patents, trademarks, privacy, commercial, and advertising.


Our Partners


Selected Publications


Moric M, Aranguren R, Agam G, Karas V. Gluncic V. System For Retained Surgical Needles Detection In X-ray Images Using Deep Neural Networks. American Society of Anesthesiologists - 2020 Annual Meeting, Worldwide Virtual, October 03-05, 2020. 🔗

Moric M, Aranguren R, Agam G, Karas V. Gluncic V. Artificial Intelligence For Detection Of Retained Surgical Sponges In X-ray Images. American Society of Anesthesiologists - 2020 Annual Meeting, Worldwide Virtual, October 03-05, 2020. 🔗


Moric M, Gluncic V, Kobsa S, Richard S, Agam G. Optimization of the retained surgical items (RSI) X-ray (XR) detection protocol combined with computer aided-detection (CAD) significantly increased operating room (OR) time utilization and RSI detection: Beta prototype system testing. American Society of Anesthesiologists - 2017 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, October 21-25, 2017. 🔗


Moric M, Lin G, Agam G, Gluncic V. Computer Aided Detection of Retained Surgical Items in Radiological Images. American Society of Anesthesiologists - 2016 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 22-26, 2016. 🔗


Agam G, Gan L, Moric M, Gluncic V (2015) Automated identification of retained surgical items in radiological images. SPIE Medical Imaging Proceedings, Volume 9418, Medical Imaging 2015: PACS and Imaging Informatics: Next Generation and Innovations; 94180X. 🔗

Moric M, Gluncic V, Kobsa S, Richard S, Agam G. Computer aided detection (CAD) of retained surgical sponges in X-rays. American Society of Anesthesiologists - 2015 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 24-28, 2015. 🔗


Gluncic V, Kobsa S, Richard S, Moric M, Agam G, Ansari SA. Optimization of X-ray (XR)-based Protocol for the Detection of Retained Surgical Items (RSI) in the Operating Room (OR). Radiological Society of North America 2014 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 30 - December 5, 2014. 🔗

Agam G, Gluncic V, Kobsa S, Richard S, Moric M, Ansari SA. Computer-aided Detection (CADe) of Retained Surgical Items (RSI) in X-ray Images (XR). Radiological Society of North America 2014 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 30 – December 5, 2014. 🔗

Moric M, Gluncic V, Kobsa S, Richard S, Agam G, Gan L. Computer aided-detection of retained surgical needles in X-rays.  American Society of Anesthesiologists - 2014 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 11-15, 2014. 🔗

Moric  M, Gluncic V, Kobsa S, Richard S, Agam G, Gan L. Business process modeling (BPM) optimization of the retained surgical items (RSI)  X-ray protocol in the OR. American Society of Anesthesiologists - 2014 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October Gluncic V, Kroin JS, Moric M, Edassery SL, Chu Y, Kelly L, Tuman KT. 🔗


Moric, M, Gluncic V, Shakhnarovich G, Kobsa S, Ansari S. Computer vision assisted identification of implanted medical devices in X-ray images. American Society of Anesthesiology – 2013 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 12-16, 2013. 🔗

Gluncic V, Kobsa S, Moric M, Shakhnarovich G, Ansari S. Computer vision assisted analysis of x-ray for rapid detection of retained surgical foreign objects. American Society of Anesthesiology – 2013 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 12-16, 2013. 🔗


Gluncic V, Moric M, Shakhnarovich, Toleikis SJ, Kobsa S, Ansari SA, Tuman KJ. Pattern recognition software assisted analysis of diagnostic images for identification of implanted medical devices (IMDs): Technology feasibility study. American Society of Anesthesiologists – 2012 Annual Meeting.Washington, DC, October 2012. 🔗

Our patents

Training system for detection and classification of artificial objects in X-ray images.

Patent number: 9792682

Filed: September 7, 2015

Date of Patent: October 17, 2017

Inventors: Vicko Gluncic, Gady Agam, Mario Moric

System and methods for identification of implanted medical devices and/or detection of retained surgical foreign objects from medical images.

Patent number: 9675273

Filed: April 17, 2016

Date of Patent: June 13, 2017

Inventor: Vicko Gluncic

System and methods for identification of implanted medical devices from medical images. 

Patent number: 9317920

Filed: November 29, 2012

Date of Patent: April 19, 2016

Inventor: Vicko Gluncic